<div dir="ltr">Dear litmus-rt developers:<div><br></div><div>I'm new to Litmus-rt and I am just beginning to get started, but I encountered some problems during installing the litmus-rt. I downloaded the most recently version of litmus-rt, 2013.1, and followed the installation instruction provided by wiki web. Somehow after I finished the first step, and reboot to get into the new kernel, it failed.</div>
<div><br></div><div>My approach:</div><div>#<span class="" style>cd</span> /<span class="" style>usr</span>/<span class="" style>src</span></div><div>#tar <span class="" style>jxvf</span> <span class="" style>linux</span>-3.10.5.tar.bz2</div>
<div>#<span class="" style>mv</span> <span class="" style>linux</span>-3.10.5 litmus-rt</div><div>#<span class="" style>cd</span> litmus-rt</div><div>#patch -p1 <../litmus-rt-2013.1.patch</div>
<div>#make <span class="" style>menuconfig</span> ///where I chose all litmus options</div><div>#make -j8</div><div>#make modules_install install</div><div><br></div><div>My OS is <span class="" style>RHEL</span> 6.0, and I run it in <span class="" style>vmware</span>. I've tried to build kernel without litmus-rt, and it worked successfully. The screen snap is in the attachment, I was wondering whether this is caused by function <span class="" style>init</span>_topology(), so I posted my CPU information as well.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Hope for your grateful help.</div><div><br></div><div>Regards.</div><div>Bob Wu<br><div><br></div></div></div>