[LITMUS^RT] Schedulability checking

Felipe Cerqueira felipeqcerqueira at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 18:33:13 CET 2012

Björn, thanks for the explanation.

I've been studying the overhead accounting approach in Devi's thesis. I
have some questions.

1) There are four types of overhead mentioned there. The three that doesn't
depend on the application are scheduling, context-switching and tick

I've been comparing them with ft_tools overheads. "Plugin" overheads are
completely included in their counterparts, right? So we don't use them.

Scheduling = SCHED + SCHED2
Context-Switching = CXS
Tick =  TICK

Though the text doesn't deal with release overheads, is it ok to add them
directly to the WCET? Releases only happen once per job.

T.e = T.e(b) + oh_release(p-EDF) + 2 · oh_sch(p-EDF) + ...

2) Scheduling and release overheads depend on the number of elements in the
queues, and therefore on the task set being scheduled. When we talk about
oh_sch(p-EDF), is it the maximum scheduling overhead for all task sets
analyzed in the experiment? Or do we consider the maximum overhead for each
task set separately?


2012/2/19 Björn Brandenburg <bbb at mpi-sws.org>

> On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:28 PM, Felipe Cerqueira wrote:
> > Hmm... The overhead costs obtained from ft_tools are not 100% exact
> because of the unpredictabilities of the system, but at least the approach
> doesn't depend on scheduling decisions, right? What I was trying to do is
> much less reliable.
> Any approach relying on *measured* overheads is not truly safe. To get
> absolute certainty, you need to analytically derive worst-case execution
> time (WCET) bounds.
> On x86, this is essentially infeasible, for several reasons.
> 1) The required processor documentation is not available (you can't derive
> an exact processor model for the WCET analysis).
> 2) Existing x86 processors are highly unpredictable and tuned towards good
> average-case throughput at the expense of worst-case delays.
> 3) The processor interconnects used in x86 multicores are highly
> unpredictable (and also not openly documented).
> Even if these obstacles would be overcome somehow, Linux (and hence
> LITMUS^RT) is not well suited to WCET analysis since it uses unbounded
> loops, copious amounts of function pointers, etc.
> Therefore, some compromises have to be made both when working with any
> RTOS on x86 and when working with Linux on any platform.
> Does this mean that schedulability analysis and overhead accounting is
> useless? Not at all.
> With property WCET analysis, you get the following guarantee if a task set
> passes a schedulability test.
>        [1] "hardware does not fail" && "processor model correct" && "WCET
> analysis correct" =>  "no deadlines will be missed"
> If instead you use measured overheads and measured execution times, you
> get the following property.
>        [2] "hardware does not fail" && "actual WCET does not exceed
> assumed/measured WCET" && "actual overheads do not exceed assumed/measured
> WCET" => "no deadlines will be missed"
> While [2] is not as strong as [1], it is still a lot stronger than what
> simply running and observing the system for X time units (e.g., doing a
> test run for 24 hours), which is the following:
>        [3] "hardware does not fail" && "actual WCET does not exceed WCET
> during test run" && "actual overheads do not exceed overheads as they
> occurred during test run" && "actual arrival sequence is not 'more
> difficult to schedule' than the one that occurred during the test run" =>
> "no deadlines will be missed"
> The key difference is that [2] holds true for *any* arrival sequence and
> *any* combination of overheads within the assumed limits, whereas [3] only
> applies to a particular execution sequence and a particular combination of
> overheads, which may or may not be representative of the worst case. I
> think that makes a huge difference in the degree of "trustworthiness"
> achieved by the final system. It's not perfect, but  in my opinion it's a
> whole lot better than the "ship it if it didn't crash during testing"
> approach.
> Note that [2] can be made more resilient in practice by assuming higher
> WCETs and overheads than measured, that is, it is reasonable to add some
> "engineering margin" to measurements in practical systems.
> Sorry for the long reply, but I hope it provides some context for
> LITMUS^RT is and what it is aimed at.
> Cheers,
> Björn
> PS: I've also touched on this topic on pages 161-164 in
> http://www.cs.unc.edu/~bbb/diss/brandenburg-diss.pdf.
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