[LITMUS^RT] proposing liblitmus API additions and changes

Björn Brandenburg bbb at mpi-sws.org
Tue Mar 12 15:22:38 CET 2013

On Mar 6, 2013, at 12:50 AM, Glenn Elliott <gelliott at cs.unc.edu> wrote:

> I've taken a step back from the aggressive pthread-ification of the Litmus API.  I propose a compromise.  It is more robust than simply calling memset() to initialize rt_task, but not nearly verbose as my pthread-idifed Litmus API.  Instead of either of these options, a user calls init_rt_task_param(struct rt_task*) to set up default real-time behaviors.
> Please see prop/rt_task-init on github for the proposed changes.
> This branch includes several patches that fall into one of three categories:
> 1) Updates to add/use init_rt_task_param().
> 2) Updates to make all code clearly express time in nanoseconds (or use conversion macros).
> 3) Updates to support clustered scheduling in litmus /bin apps.
> (Sorry for putting non-rt_task-init related patches on this branch.  It was just easier this way to maintain dependencies.)

Hi Glenn,

I like this compromise a lot better and would be happy to merge it. However, could you please push a clean branch that does not have any cleanup or merge commits rebased on top of the current staging?

Also, could you please delete old prop/ branches that are no relevant? I'm starting to lose track of which are still relevant. I've already removed a couple of branches that were merged into staging.


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