[LITMUS^RT] IPI vs. Cache Affinity

Andrea Bastoni bastoni at sprg.uniroma2.it
Sat Sep 28 01:17:43 CEST 2013

Hi Glenn,

On 09/27/2013 10:46 PM, Glenn Elliott wrote:
> I've been getting more acquainted with the latest litmus code and I see that
> GSN-EDF/C-EDF prefer to schedule a task on the local CPU if the CPU is
> available.  This avoids an IPI.  However, this may result in higher cache
> migration costs because this scheduling decision is made before checking CPU
> affinity.

Umm, what is the use case you've in mind? Evaluating a local condition is
relatively cheap (as you've already all the locks you need). Preempting a remote
CPU is more expensive (locks to be reacquired, interrupt to be sent and
received, etc.).

> Are IPI costs (significantly) higher than cache affinity loss?

What's your working set size, what's the load of the system, what's your

Also, an IPI will cause an interrupt on the destination CPU, thus disturbing the
execution of the task already running there. This perturbation may be completely
pointless in the case the task is eventually not scheduled on the CPU being
preempted by the IPI.

> Are we making
> the assumption that affinity has already been lost due to cache polluters?

Are you assuming worst-case conditions?

- Andrea

> Do we have empirical data to support the current implementation?  I'm not
> arguing in favor of one method or the other---I am just interested in the
> motivations behind the changes.
> Thanks,
> Glenn
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Andrea Bastoni, PhD <bastoni at sprg.uniroma2.it>
Dept. of Computer Science, Systems, and Industrial Engineering
University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Via del Politecnico, 1 - 00133 Rome

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