[LITMUS^RT] Starting Liblitmus

Björn Brandenburg bbb at mpi-sws.org
Fri May 29 13:23:48 CEST 2015

> On 29 May 2015, at 13:13, Dhanny R <dhanker2626 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Sir Björn
> i have many question about LITMUS,
> i'm interested because for my tesis research...
> and i'm newbie for this
> my question are : 
> 1. i have many task for testing in liblitmus, it's right if i edit from base_mt_task (multicore) 
> or base_task (single core) or i must create a new file from liblitmus directory?
> 2. how can i compile the code that i build? if any tools must be installed like gcc or something else, in which directory i must installed? in liblitmus or any?
> 3. if my step wrong, could you give me reference how step by step using this tools?
> glad to know for the fast response

Dhany, I’m glad that you are interested in using LITMUS^RT for your thesis research, but the questions that you are now asking pertain to issues that are not LITMUS^RT specific and not appropriate for this mailing list. Some experience working with moderately complex C code bases and Linux is required to make use of LITMUS^RT.

To answer your questions:

1) You may organize your code any way you like. The two dummy skeletons exist to make starting up easier, but their use is entirely optional.

2) Like most C libraries, liblitmus comes with a makefile. Of course a working gcc toolchain is required.

3) I suggest you first learn how to build regular C programs on Linux, and how to use make. Once you know how to do that LITMUS^RT is fairly straightforward to use.

Best regards,

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