[LITMUS^RT] [how to using st_trace]

Dhanny R dhanker2626 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 17:06:41 CEST 2015

hello developer LITMUS
i have a problem, after create some task in liblitmus base on base_task, n
doing make, that's all okey
i set active plugin : GSN-EDF (in my VM1)

but i have no idea to start recording with ft_tools,
could u give me some advice?

my goal are :
how we can know each task release their time with setting budget, priority?
how to measure each task?

and when the set real-time task is running, i want give a non real-time
task in  (HOST)
how we can know the set real-time task in VM still working, n a non
real-time task waiting until real-time task finish their job. how to
measure that?

thanks for the help, i'm newbie for this

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