[LITMUS^RT] Github Organization

Christopher Kenna cjk at cs.unc.edu
Tue Jul 17 09:05:48 CEST 2012

Hi everyone,

Some of you might remember that I created a Github repository for the
LITMUS^RT kernel with the purpose of using it to post patches to
review. It failed miserably--hardly anyone used it.

However, Github recently added support for "organizations," which is
exactly what LITMUS^RT is (an international organization, even :).

In order to secure our organization name, I took the liberty of
registering us and adding some of our repositories to it [1]. The
repositories are also public this time. I think part of the reason no
one used the other "collaboration" repository is because it was set up
as a private repository.

Bjoern, Bryan, and I are already added because I know their Github
IDs. Any one of us can add others if and when you sign up for Github.

One of the nice things Github offers is a slick web-interface for
viewing diffs [2], which you might already have if you use cgit or
gitweb (or git diff...). The interface in [2] also allows us to write
code-review type comments on Github; however, a disadvantage of this
is that we will not have a permanent record of discussion in the
LITMUS-list archives. My guess is that this particular feature not be
used too often.

Signing up for and setting up Github is not hard, but I attached some
tips to the end of this email.

Hope this is helpful.

 -- Chris

[1] https://github.com/LITMUS-RT
[2] https://github.com/LITMUS-RT/litmus-rt/commit/1253e42eae22b6439ac9f3027d01740c95b8dcd6

An .ssh/config snippet so that you can have git pick up your github
key (and use a different key on github than you do for SSHing into
other boxes):

Host github
HostName github.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github

Adding a remote is easy, and Github will provide you with
nearly-complete instructions. The approach I took was to do something
like `git remote add github git at github.com:LITMUS-RT/liblitmus.git`
and then `git fetch github`. You'll need to have your Github account
set up before you can do this, though. Then you can push and pull
using commands like the following (pushing Glenn's recent branch to
Github): `git push github

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