[LITMUS^RT] replying : specifying arrival tasks and running task using litmus

Marov Gazaal adamagaghz at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 20:32:50 CEST 2020

Hello Professor, thanks for your always interest and help. Indeed, I
revised the guid from your website(github) about how to build a new plugin.
I revised the source code of GSN-EDF and I understand it in general,besides
of understanding edf_common.c file and revising edf_common.h, then I tried
to rebuild my policy in a way differ from the first one which I attached to
your mail list in the previous email, and tried to reach to the logic of my
policy, I test it, and the task execution results appeared acceptable
(according to some tasks I used initially to make the tests), but what make
me confused specifying the arrived task and the current executing task
exactly to make the required comparisons between both. Anyway, I prefer to
build my policy in the best way and I will do as you instruct me Professor.

Thanks again, I appreciate your help.

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